tirsdag 16. oktober 2012

News from India, USA, Lesotho

Today two Bollywood stars will get married. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor, the couple have been together for 3 years, and now decided to take the biggest step. The wedding will take place at Taj Hotel, where only the family-members are invited. I have watched several of their movies and they both are great, so personally I am very excited! :)  

In this task I was supposed to find a local newsarticle from Lesotho, but it turned out to be quite hard and I didn't find any news form Lesotho. Therefore my teacher told me to find an article from South-Africa instead. After all Lesotho is surrounded by South-African territory.

The article I chose is from a large newspaper in the southeastern part of South-Africa. It is called DispatchOnline and the newsarticle is about a small baby who was reunited with her parents after being kidnapped last year.

22. of August last year the little girl was kidnapped by a 33 year old woman from the Eastern Cape. The suspect had, before the kidnapping, met the mother of the baby in a taxi and started visiting their home. The mother said that the suspect had visited three or four times before the baby disapeared. When the kidnapping happened the girl was only 3 three weeks old.

The father says in an interview that he can't thank the people who has helped and supported him and his wife through these difficult times enough. He is also very greatful for what the South-African police has done to find his daugther. The father said that he would like to talk to the woman, but otherwise he would leave everything to the police.

Invetisgations lead the police to the woman, who was asked to test herself to prove the child was hers. The suspect was found while she was heading for her home town, Tsolo. She had earlier stayed in Guateng withe the baby until about the beginning of October.

The suspect now faces charges of child abduction.

This week it has started a police investigation in USA against two police officers that is supposed to have used unnecessary violent when they arrested a person for sleeping in a Jewish community center in Brooklyn. They hit the man in about two minutes before they stopped and handcuffed the man and reinforcements came. The police officers say that they used the violence because the man pushed one of the officers when they tried to handcuff him.
The man got charged for resisting arrest, obstruction and criminal trespassing, the family posted the $1 500 bail. The man have earlier been investigated for marijuana possession and harassment.

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